Wednesday, June 4, 2014

When and Where Does Inspiration Strike?

When toying with the idea of starting a blog, one of my biggest concerns was (and still is) topics and ideas to blog about. What if I run out of things to post about? What if what I post is too repetitive? What if people don't like what I have to say? What if, what if, what if? That is where inspiration comes in.

Now I don't know about you, but for me, inspiration comes at probably the most inconvenient times. The two biggest times for me are when I'm either in the shower or as soon as my head has hit the pillow at night. It's like my mind comes alive when my body needs to be doing other things. I've learned that's okay though, you just have to be prepared to handle it.

Since I know I'll think of something I need to do or of an idea when I'm in bed, I always keep either a small notebook or a pad of paper on my nightstand at night. But with the shower, it's not quite the same, paper and water don't really mix. I do, however, keep my cell phone on my bathroom sink while I shower because I know if there is something I absolutely need to remember I can just save it in my phone as soon as I get out. (That's a weird one, I know.) But some things are just too important not to document, (even if you are soaking wet with nothing but a towel on.) :)

All I'm trying to say is that inspiration can and will strike at any time and at any point. You just need to learn how to capture it when it does. 

xoxo UP ♡

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