Monday, June 15, 2015

My New Favorite Salad Recipe

After getting my feelings out towards eating clean and living an overall healthier lifestyle, I really have been trying to buckle down with preparing meals at the beginning of my workweek. As much of a pain as it is to have to make the effort to make a weekly menu, shopping list, and spend a couple hours in the kitchen prepping meals ahead of time, it really does make a huge difference.
One of my favorite quotes to remind myself of is, "fail to plan, plan to fail." For me personally, this quote couldn't be more true.
I love salads, but I find that they can get really boring really quick, especially - for some odd reason - when I prepare them at home versus a store-made or restaurant/takeout salad. (My absolute favorite salad of all time is the salad bar at Ruby Tuesday; so good, so fresh!) I always think I'll love the salads that I prepare at home, and I do for the first couple of times, but they just get so boring for me. I think the difference with this salad is that it's super simple, but also the dressing is amazing!
Romaine Hearts (I use the pre-cut leaves, because I'm lazy ;-) )
Chopped Mini Sweet Peppers
Red Pepper Flakes
Grilled Marinated Chicken, cut into strips (I marinade with this Cilantro-Lime Marinade)
Grated Parmesan Cheese
Wegman's Basil Vinaigrette (for those of you not blessed with a Wegman's, first off, I am truly sorry [it's THE BEST GROCERY STORE; us northeasters are very loyal to our Wegman's!] but here is another bottled option that's similar or some recipes for a homemade version.)
It's simple, quick, easy to prepare, and tastes so good! I would love to hear about some of your favorite salads to add to my menu!
Happy Eating! :)
xoxo UP <3

1 comment:

  1. I love that you're posting about the importance of a healthy lifestyle - it's more time consuming, yes, but so worth it!
